New exhibition Sapporo, 31 March
I'm very happy to invite you to the second exhibition of my project Women of Japan - 日本の女性. It will take place in Chikaho (Sapporo station underground walkway) on 31 March 2018 from 11.30 to 19.00.
(note that it will last for one single day)
Sapporo Station Eki Underground walkway Square CHIKAHO Ikoi-no-Kukan (between Ita2jo and Kita3jo) ※ Place B, near exit 5
Free entrance Location
This exhibition represents the continuation of my portrait's adventure and will be enriched with many new texts and portraits. If you saw the first edition at the French Alliance in November, this will be the sequel of the journey and I will be glad to share it with you ! If you'd missed it, here is your second chance ;-)

Women of Japan is the portraits project of Belgian painter Florence Plissart, who shares her unique discovery of Japan through the singular, everyday, intimate or dreamed lives of Japanese women of different ages and backgrounds. More than thirty women take part in this adventure by posing as models and sharing with her about their life experiences and reflections about what being a woman means. Far from clichés, close to the heart, portraits as a way of exchanging, smiling and opening between our two cultures, confidences that bring us closer, questioning differences and touching similarities ...

The exhibition will next fly to Tokyo in April ! Exhibition at Blue Baobab Café in Tokyo from 10 April to 6 May Opening talk by the artist on 14 April
Blue Baobab café 2-2-12 Azabudai | 2F Sanki Bldg, Minato 106-0041, Tokyo Prefecture
Looking forward to seeing you again,
With heart...